Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The Weekend

I know it's Tuesday... And I am posting about the weekend. But isn't that just how it goes? What can I say, I'm always a day late and a dollar short. This weekend I made a wreath! God bless our freedom to craft right? Also, two of my dear friends and former roomies came to visit. I love reunions with the other 3/4 of the fab four. We drank some wine and had some fun Since it also happened to be First Friday there was lots of extra little happenings downtown. We also saw a movie, ate Tex-Mex and a delicious brunch [not necessarily in that order]. It was a lovely way to end the week.

P.S. Check out the cool chevron floors! Although I am not sure if I could ever bring myself I paint over wood floors, they look pretty.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Get Lost

I have had quite a bit of fun playing around and creating unique coffee mugs. This is my latest creation. I love this quote, by J. R. R. Tolkien, because let' face it I would love to be an adventurer for a living.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Weekend Ramblings

This weekend was filled with a few summer showers, manicures, movies, unnecessary shopping trips, and a few crafts. In other words I spent money that I probably shouldn't have. But were my neon nails worth it? Yes, yes they were.