Tuesday, September 7, 2010

In the Shade

I am always enamored with anything and everything Anthropologie. Always on my online and IRL shopping stops I love looking at their amazing pieces from the home to the accessories. I seriously plan on registering for my wedding at Anthropologie, who needs electronics? Anyway, after drooling over their lamp shades I realized how easily some of them could be recreated! For instance, you could braid the ribbon and hand sew it to another piece and simply hot glue that to an old shade. I don't have an example but I thought I would share the idea!

I also LOVE this one. Similar rules apply, find some funky beading/fabric and express you inner-eclectic with a one of a kind lamp shade! 

Happy Tuesday :)


  1. I've never gotten into Anthropologie before, no clue why. As of this year it's getting onto my must shop list. And I love the lamp shade idea!

  2. cool! :D I agree arts and craft are awesome! <3

    thanks for checking out my blog! I'm following!


  3. These are super-cute. And can you believe I have never been to Anthropologie? Everyone tells me I have to go!


  4. I'm obsessed w/ Anthro :-)

    LOVE those lamps


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